Stronger Together Whitepaper
Innovation is essential for large corporates to survive and thrive in an economic and political landscape. But how can they collaborate with smaller, groundbreaking companies?
The Challenge
Innovation is essential for large corporates to survive and thrive in an economic and political landscape. Yet UK companies are lagging behind European and international firms when it comes to investing in innovation through collaboration. The UK has the second-lowest level of Open Innovation projects in Europe, with only 61% of businesses having engaged in the practice, and the least well-established tradition of corporate/start-up collaboration (Sopra Steria, 2023).
The challenge for big corporates is knowing HOW to collaborate with groundbreaking, smaller firms.
At Plus X Innovation, we have a long and rich history of connecting hundreds of corporate firms with forward thinking small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and supported both sides with bold programmes that drive positive impact.
We’ve witnessed first hand how powerful an effect innovation can have on a business when done well - eight out of 10 UK corporations see the value of collaboration with start-ups, and 56% agree it is “mission critical” (Staley, 2023; Hurst, 2023).
An opportunity to research the corporate innovate process was identified to understand how large companies design and deliver innovation projects, how they work with start-ups to accelerate progress on key innovation challenges, and find ways to enable more effective corporate and startup partnerships.
The Solution
At Plus X Innovation, with our history of connecting business, we have seen time and time again how difficult it can be for these two types of organisations to work together, and we identified this as a key reason why so many large firms struggle to make innovation work.
Each side of the coin provides a unique and powerful angle for innovation: corporate firms provide a strong current and direction, and SMEs provide fresh ideas and perspectives. Together, these two types of organisations create a powerful and adaptable flow that benefits the entire ecosystem. That they need each other is clear.
Questions that arose were: how can corporates create strong partnerships with start-ups that are mutually beneficial? What are the steps they need to take? What are the common pitfalls, and how can corporates avoid them?
With the support of our partner, Brunel University London and the generous funding from Hillingdon Enterprise Fund, we answered these crucial questions and more in a whitepaper.
We pulled insights from a wide range of sources, including:
- An in-depth overview of the leading academic research on innovation strategies, carried out in partnership with Brunel University.
- Original interviews with innovation leaders from the UK’s biggest businesses.
- Knowledge gained from events, round tables and industry summits.
- Practical, hands-on experience through our client work.
The academic research and data analysis supporting the findings of this white paper were produced in partnership with Brunel University London, a world leading research organisation, with deep roots in corporate and startup innovation. Professors Catherine Wang and David Gallear led the partnership as expert academic advisors. Mohammed ElGayaar is a doctoral researcher who led on the planning and delivery of the research.
Funded by:
This project was generously funded through the Hillingdon Enterprise Fund. The fund was established by Hillingdon Council, delivering £2.15m of Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) funding to a small number of Hillingdon based businesses through the Hillingdon Enterprise Fund to support the long-term benefits of jobs and business growth. The fund was project managed by West London Business, targeting the following sectors: green economy, innovation, aviation/ supply chains, creative/media and high growth. The initiative has contributed towards the development of the London West Innovation Network.
The Outcome
Want to read the whitepaper? Click to download here.
We have also created a series of articles which summarise some our key findings:
- Doing Pilots the Right Way
- How to Foster Innovation and Develop an Innovation Mindset
- The Corporate Guide to Innovation Networks
- How to Work with the Right Startup for Your Business
- Challenge Sourcing: A Practical Guide
In the whitepaper, Stronger Together, we’ll walk you through how to optimise the partnerships you forge with innovative SMEs to enable better collaboration. You’ll learn the key principles of innovation, including the most respected academic theories and frameworks, rigorously tested, practiced and seen to work in “real world” scenarios. You’ll also gain knowledge of innovation in practice: how it’s happening on the ground today within the UK’s biggest corporates.
Most importantly, we’ll give you tangible actions you and your business can take today to move the needle: making innovation faster, more efficient, and more impactful.
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